24 May 2023

When Looking for a Job, Know Your SMART Goals

Job seekers benefit from having a clear understanding of what they want out of their next job and what it will take to get there. But with so many career paths and opportunities available, it can take time to narrow your search. Setting SMART goals can focus your search and help you reach your desired career objectives.

Never heard of SMART goals? SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that can improve your chances of success. By setting SMART goals for your job search, you can ensure that you put your time and energy into finding the right job rather than just any job.

Whether your job search leads you to a recruiter or online via sites, here are some ideas for establishing SMART goals while searching for employment.

Specific: Your goals should be specific and clearly defined. Instead of saying, “I want a job,” try something like, “I want a job as a project manager at a tech company.” This gives you a clear target to aim for and helps you narrow down your search.

Measurable: To track your progress, your goals need to be measurable. For example, “I will apply to at least three jobs per week” is a measurable goal.

Achievable: Keep your goals realistic and achievable. If you don’t have the necessary experience or education for a particular job, it may not currently be achievable.

Relevant: Your goals should be relevant to your career goals and interests. If you’re not passionate about a particular industry or type of job, it’s unlikely that you’ll be motivated to put in the work to find it.

Time-bound: Set a deadline for yourself to achieve your goals. This will keep you on track and give you a sense of urgency.

By setting SMART goals for your job search, you can focus your efforts and increase your chances of finding the right position for you. Be bold, adjust your goals as you go along, and remember to celebrate your successes.